Andy (Ben) More than a workmate.

Created by GRAHAM 3 years ago

Having worked with Andy for the last 10 years I can say he is the best work mate I've ever had. With his excellent I.T skills he has helped all of us here in Westland Transmissions. We often expressed how lucky we were to have lived in the times we live in. He loved Monty Python and Fawlty Towers and we often re-enacted some scenes from these for fun. His love of Bath rugby and England Cricket and Formula One shone through. His love for 70's music and good Ale and Sailing at Salcombe. 

He often talked about his Sister in New Zealand and some of his Globe Trotting adventures and more recently his pride for Alex and Charlotte both following suit. His love of not only Grand Designs but his wife Helen shone through and together completed their own Grand Design.  

I will continue to miss my friend, they called him Ben but to me he will always be Andy.

